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Package 1

130 RON/person

Full weekend Gastro Tour (Friday-Sunday)

The tour contains the visits in all 3 locations (Hanul Dacilor, La Piazzetta, Restaurant Shanghai) and the afferent menus to each (all items from each menu). First day is dedicated to arrivings, then dinner in Hanul Dacilor, tasting Romanian food and getting acquainted with traditions. Second day is focused on visiting shortly the city center, short free program and Italian dinner in the evening, with presenting evenings' specials. Third day includes sneak peek in Asian cuisine in form of a lunch, discussions, short walk and departures.

Package 2

100 RON/person

Two day Gastro Tour (Friday-Saturday/ Saturday - Sunday)

This package includes all the 3 location visits and the afferent menus, but in basic version (only 3 items from each menu). First day is dedicated to arrivals, lunch in Hanul Dacilor, short visit in the city centre and in the evening dinner in La Piazzetta. Second day is dedicated to free programs before noon, lunch in Restaurant Shanghai, then departures.

Package 3

Price at request


This packages includes whatever you opt for and at length of your choice. Can be of one two or three days long, and can contain visits in one, two or all three locations. Menu options at your choice. Extra services or requirements can be included at request. For further information and establishment, please contact us on the phone at 123-456-7890 or in email at cuisine.tour@gmail,com! 

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